Late Summer Sir Benjamin of Malbrough crosses the border at Rooster Claw into Wondon to conquer Wondon.

Erly Autumn Sir Thomas and Eliot Full comes to town to prepare to meet the enermy.

Sir Thomas of Wondon orders an evacuation of Wondon Town.

Barney Keith Valdor is sick and his wife Merian (Hay) Valdor and their son Martin Valdor together with his wife Beth (Meligan) Valdor fortifies the sawmill to care of old Barney.

Linette (Olivio) Rowley flees to Templeton with her children, Jean and Fredy.
Emma Valdor gets the responsibility to take her siblings Keith and Ralph Valdor to Templeton, too.

Autumn Equinox Linette (Olivio) Rowley and her children, Jean and Fredy, Emma Valdor and her siblings Keith and Ralph Valdor arrive at Templeton to check in at the Lamp.

Keith Valdor, Ken Jacobs and Oscar Wharton becomes peers abd are chasing Carol Brant.


Keith starts working at the saw mill.


Late Summer, Keith starts dating Arcy Jacobs.

Early Autumn, Keith Valdor discovers Debbie and Monica and rag them up.


Midsummer While Nicolas Meligan tries comford his cousin, Emma Valdor, her brother, Keith Valdor turns up accompanied by his sweet one, Arcy Jacobs.

Bradley Owens and Robyn McGovern enters the stage of The Old Witch, where he's playing while she's singing.

An intoxicated Lady Stefani of Wondon is dancing with Philip Arden.

Melanie Noneman and Anthony Reise are dancing.

Miranda Calzone does the dance with Chris Barrington.

Keith Valdor makes a cuddling dance with Arcy Jacopbs.

Nicolas Meligan dances with Emma Valdor.

Bradley Owens and Robyn McGovern enters the stage of The Old Witch, where he's playing while she's singing.

An intoxicated Lady Stefani of Wondon is dancing with Philip Arden.

Melanie Noneman and Anthony Reise are dancing.

Miranda Calzone does the dance with Chris Barrington.

Keith Valdor makes a cuddling dance with Arcy Jacopbs.

Nicolas Meligan dances with Emma Valdor.


Early Summer Miranda Calzone is serving supper for Lady Stefani of Wondon, Philip Arden, Captaian Nicolas Meligan, Boris and Tyra Smith, Emma Valdor, her brother, Keith Valdor and his lover, Arcy Jacobs.

After supper, Bradley Owens stars playing, while his wife, Theresa is singing.

Lady Stefani of Wondon begins dancing with Philip Arden, and Emma Valdor stars dancing with his cousin, Captaian Nicolas Meligan. Keith Valdor takes Arcy Jacobs to the dance floore, while Sheriff Boris Smith never takes his suspicious eyes on Miranda Calzone.

Miranda Calzone starts dancing to the music, and Tyra Smith discovers it, and gets thrilled.

Tyra Smith takes Miranda Calzone to the dance floore, whare they are performing a dance show, while Lady Stefani of Wondon, Philip Arden, Emma Valdor, Keith Valdor are watching.

Mainwhile Captaian Nicolas Meligan takes a swing with Arcy Jacobs and Boris Smith takes a dance with his sister in law, Theresa Owens.

When the music are over, Lady Stefani of Wondon, Philip Arden and Captaian Nicolas Meligan go to their accommodations, while Bradley and Theresa Owens go home, Emma and Keith Valdor are following Arcy Jacobs home, and Boris and Tyra Smith go home to their Children.

Autumn Equinox In the afternoon, Arcy Jacobs is dashing down to the saw mill, to meet Keith Valdor, to tell him, about the concert tonight, and that she wants to go.

Christmas At the timeryard, Alicia Jacobs finds Arcy Jacobs and Keith Valdor kissing, and warn her, there is a witch in town, and wants Arcy home.

Emma and Ralph Valdor join Keith, to see what's going on. They agree on, that Keith and Emma are to follow Alicia and Arcy Jacobs home to the town sqware to meet Sir William of Wondon and Ralph is to stay at home and lock the timeryard off.

In the end of the afternoon, The mother of Debbie Jacobs, Alicia, comes home to the grocery followed by her sister, Arcy, and her boyfriend, Keith and his sister, Emma Valdor, and finds Frederic Owens kissing Debbie.

Alicia Jacobs is having a fit, and Keith Valdor offecs, he and Emma Valdor are following Frederic Owens home.

Late afternoon, Frederic Owens arrives accompanied by Emma and Keith Valdor, who giglingly expain, Frederic had been caught kissing with Debbie Jacobs at the grocery, and her mother, Alicia Jacobs, got very angry, so they offered to bring the naughty boy home, while they're waiting on Sir William of Wondon.

In the evening, Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor go out on the town sqare to wait for Sir William of Wondon.

In the evening, Sir William of Wondon, Philip Arden and Ricky Warren are arriving at the town, they are met by a crowd of peoples outside the sheriff's office, who want to see, what's going on.

Sir William of Wondon is addressing Sheriff Boris Smith and the father of Ricky, Micheal Warren, who's surrounded by Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Noneman and Miranda Calzone, who had comed out to see what's going on.

While Sheriff Boris Smith is watch, Sir William of Wondon have a look at the coins in the purse Micheal Warren presenting him, and sais: I don't know how witch coins look like, but thise coins looks bewitched.

It's getting dark now, and I can't see a ting, but tomorrow I'll go on a witch-hunting, Sir William of Wondon says.

Loudly Sir William of Wondon shouts: Tomorrow I'll going to chase this witch, and if I catch her, I'll drown her in the well of the Castle and send her head to Princess Donna. There is notting I can do now, but I stay in the town tonight, so everybody is safe now.

Do you have an accommodation for me and Philip Arden, at the inn, Sir William of Wondon asks Micheal Warren? I'll like to start the hunt the witch, early tomorrow.

Micheal and Ricky Warren, Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Nonemanand and Miranda Calzone follow Sir William of Wondon into the The Old Witch.

Philip Arden finds Emma at a table together with her brother Keith Valdor, where they're enjoiying a bottle of Thayn's together, and asks Emma to join Sir William of Wonden.

Keith Valdor gets off the table, and tells, Emma, he's going hime to their parents, to tell them, what's going on, before Emma is following Philip Arden to the table of Sir William of Wondon.

Kieth Valdor is leaving The Old Witch, and goes home to The Timberyard.

Ralph Valdor is letting Kieth in at the Timberyard, where he tells Ralph, Martin and Beth Valdor about the witch, and that Sir William of Wondon is going on a witch hunt tomorrow.

Emma Valdor had stayed at The Old Witch to learn more.

Next Morning, Kieth Valdor leaves the sawmill to find Arcy Jacobs at the grocery shop.

At the grocery shop, Kieth Valdor is kissing Arcy Jacobs goodmorning, and Alicia Jacobs tells Arcy. that she shall do what Sir William of Wondon tells them to catch the wicket little witch.

Moments later, The brother of Emma Valdor, Keith is giglingly arriving with his lover, Arcy Jacobs, too. He's giggling, because he understand, his sister, Emma, had been bumping the uglies with her former lover, Chris Barrington, all night.

At the last, Sir William of Wondon comes down for brakfast, and Miranda Calzone is serving breakfast for him.

While he is eating breakfast, Emma Valdor annoyed points out, she's busy getting to the castle, to inform with Lady Stefani of Wondon.

Sir William of Wondon takes charge, and orders Emma Valdor and Philip Arden can go to the castle immediately, while the rest can stay to plan the hunt for the little whitch.

When Philip Arden and Emma Valdor had left to get their horses at the stable of The Old Witch, Sir William of Wondon contiues, that the has to be causious, to catch the little wicked witch, but it has being snowing last night, so we got to look for footprints in the snow to find her, and when we knows, where she is, Sir William of Wondon, will catch her to kill her.

Since they don't know, which dirction the little witch went, when she had left The Old Witch, Sir William of Wondon suggests, Boris Smith and Bradley Owens go to Rooster Claw, looking for clues of the little witch there, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs go to Lawrow lake looking for clues where, and Sir William shall serch The Deep Forest serching for clues there, and after he had serchinged the forest, he will return to the castle, and waiting for reports there. when the knows, where to find the wicked witch, he shall go kill her.

Everybody thinks it's a good sketch, and they go for their horses.

When Sir William of Wondon comes out from The Old Witch with his horse, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs comes out of the grocery with the horse of Arcy. Then Sir William of Wondon and Arcy follow Keith to the timeryard to get his own horse,

While Sir William of Wondon and Arcy Jacobs are waiting for him outside the timeryard, his brother, Ralph is locking him in, and he tells his father, Martin, that he has been talking with his sister, Emma, and she has gone to the castle. Sir William of Wondon, is sending him and Arcy Jacobs to Lawrow Lake looking for the little wicked witch, so he can kill her, when he finds her.

Then he gets his horse to join the waiting Sir William of Wondon and Arcy Jacobs.

Then they follow the road to Lawrow Lake.

At noon, they're comming to the cross road where Sir William of Wondon can get in to The Deep Forest, and he sais goodbye to Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs, who contiue to Lawrow Lake.

In the evening, Keith Valdor is leating Arcy Jacobs, who had never been in the south of Wondon Shire before, to the little inn at Filly Point, where he books an accommodation for them.

Keith Valdor tells a wicked witch had been spotted at Wondon Town, and asks Ana Spencer, if she had seen any signs of the wicked witch around Filly Point?

Ana Spencer answers, no, and is wishing them a good night's sleep.

Next Morning, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are crossing the bridge over the river to Lawrow Lake, and moves across the farmland, to the aunt and uncle of Keith Valdor, Nicole and Sam Pastor.

Keith Valdor asks. if they had seen anything to the wicked witch at the farm, but his uncle and aunt answer, no.

In the afternoon, the cousins of Keith Valdor, Sam Ewan and Rosalie Pastor tell, it's Christmas, and they has to ask at The White Cat, where the can get accommodation, and there is a lot of peoples at the Christmas.

Sam Ewan and Rosalie Pastor are following Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs to the White Cat, where the wife of the sheriff and the cousin of Sir William of Wondon, Sophie Chadwick, is booking them in for an accommodation.

While booking, Keith Valdor asks, if the wicked whitch has been seen around Lawrow Lake?

Sophie Chadwick, replies, no, but her children is home for Christmas, and she can sing a song about the Wondon Witch tonight.

When they had checking in, Sam Ewan and Rosalie Pastor finds a table with Keith Valdor, who starts kissing with Arcy Jacobs.

Sarah Chadwick, who's serving wine at their table, curiously asks Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs, if they already have do it?

Shocked Arcy Jacobs replies, she likes to do it with Keith Valdor, but her mother, Alicia Jacobs, won't allow her to shag with Keith.

Thoghtfully Sarah Chadwick replies, her brother, Harold, has already done it, and he has a potion preventing pregnanty, so the mother of Arcy Jacobs will never know, if Keith Valdor pops her cherry or not.

While Raoul Hermanson is serving dinner for Sam Ewan, Rosalie Pastor, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs, Sophie Chadwick kindly goes to get the potion from his brother.

After dinner, Sarah Chadwick returns with the potion. and whispers to Arcy Jacobs, she has to consume a bottle every month to avoid pregnanty, and which her good luck doing it, tonight.

Later that night, Sophie Chadwick comes to the table with her son, Harold, and starts to sing about The Wondon Witch, while Harold is playing, and the frisky Sarah Chadwick is dancing with Sam Ewan Pastor and Keith Valdor is dancing with Arcy Jacobs.

At night at thier accommodation, Arcy Jacobs consumes the contraception potion, and Keith Valdor cheerfully pops her charry.

Next morning, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs gigglingly arrive to breakfast with Ewan and Rosalie Pastor, whom Moira Hermanson is serving for them.

After breakfast, Ewan Pastor wants to kiss and cuddle Sarah Chadwick, before he's following Rosalie Pastor, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs to the Pastor's.

At noon, Keith Valdor sais goodbye to his uncle and aunt, Sam and Nicole Pastor, and the agreed with his cousin, Ewan, that the visit to The White Cat, wasn't compeately in vain, though the didm't found the wicked witch.

After Keith Valdor has said goodbye to his other cousin, Rosalie Pastor, he and Arcy Jacobs moves on to Filly Point.

It is dark, when Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are crosssing the bridge at Filly Point, and are booking in at the inn, at Oliver Spencer, where the cheerfully and pationalely are making love together all night.

Next morning, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are comming down for breakfast, which Ana Spencer is serving them, before they contiue to Wondon Town.

On the way to the town, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are discursing, what to do, when they get home. Kieth Valdor cannot be nailing Arcy Jacobs at the grocery, because of her mother Alicia, and Keith remembers, what a fuss his mother, Beth Valdor, made, when his sister, Emma,began doing it with Chris Barrington.

Arcy Jacobs refuses to give up bumping the uglies with Keith Valdor, and he promises to talk with his sister, Emma, about it.

In the evening, to their surprice Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs find, Philip Arden drinking wine with Keith sister, Emma, while their brother, Ralph, is kissing the sister of Arcy Jacobs, Debbie.

Arcy Jacobs suspicious hug har sister, while Kieth Valdor is huging his brother, Ralph and sister, Emma, who tells him, that Miranda Calzone is cooking supper for them.

A Moment later, Chris Barney arrives, too, and Miranda Calzone is serving dinner for them.

While eating and drinking wine, Keith Valdor is telling, they didn't found the wicked witch at Lawrow Lake.

The wicked witch has been seen flying over Templeton Lake in dirction of Grossbourgh Shire, so she's probably there, now, Philip Arden notes, but he has to go to Rooster Claw tomorrow, so somebody else has to go to the castle tomorrow, to notisfiy Sir William.

We did tried something new, Keith Valdor shyly renarks. Arcy and Keith had made love on their trip to Lawrow Lake, and Kieth wants to know, where Emma gets her contraception potion from.

I'm going for contraception potion in Rooster Claw tomorrow, and he can take an exsta crate with him, for Arcy Jacobs, Philip Arden helpfully remarks.

Emma Valdor, who does wants her brother, Keith, to make an unexspected child on Arcy Jacobs, suggests Arcy can store a crate of potion at Chris Barrington.

Chis Barrington firmely points out, as much as he loves Emma Valdor, he don't wants his house turned in to a love shack for Keith and Arcy Jacobs. They have to go somewhere else to do their shagging.

Miranda Calzone kindly suggests, she keeps a crate of potion in safe for Arcy Jacobs, and away from Julie Warren, and Arcy can have it here, at The Old Witch.

Arcy Jacobs agree to give Philip Arden the money to buy a crate of potion for her, and Emma offecs, to go to the castle tomorrow, to forward the message, while Philip Arden is at Rooster Claw.

Later, when Kieth and Ralph Valdor are following Arcy and Debbie Jacobs home, Arcy is having a firm grib on the hair of her sister, and tells her, if their mother hear anything about the potion, she's going to tell their mother, she had kissed and cuddled with Ralph.

While watching Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs kissing, Ralph discovers Monica Smith, and to take his attention away from Debbie, she gives him a tender kiss, and he's kissing her back.

Monica Smith likes snoging with Ralph Valdor, but his brother, Keith, spots his brother is kissing Monica, and wants to know, what Monica is doing, at the timberyard, at the same time when Debbie discovers, Monica is kissing her boyfrient.

Debbie Jacobs likes to give Ralph Valdor a rage, when Arcy pulles her hair, and she has to deffend herself.

Debbie and Monica fly the timberyard together.


Early Spring In the afternoon, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are popping by The Old Witch.

Melanie Noneman tells Keith, she's going back to Loggers Dell tomorrow, and Keith Valdor replies, he has to go to Loggers Dell, too, and he asks Arcy Jacobs, if they shall go together? And Arcy loves to.

Next morning, Keith Valdor hurries to his sister, Emma to get one of the a bottles of contraception potion he and Arcy Jacobs were hinding at her.

Emma Valdor gives Keith the bottle of contraception potion, and asks him giggling, if Arcy Jacobs needs her honeypot cleaned?

Keith Valdor takes the bottle from Emma, and remarking, she shall shurt up, and leaves for The Old Witch.

Arcy Jacobs arrives, and when Keith Valdor is arriving, too, they all rides off to Loggers Dell.

At noon, Keith Valdor, Arcy Jacobs and Melanie Noneman arrives at Loggers Dell, where Keith Valdor is talking with the old Frank Noneman.

At night, Keith Valdor gives Arcy Jacobs a bottle of contraception potion, and they begin bumping the uglies togher.

Spring Equinox In the afternoon, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacops are entering The Old Witch, and his cousin immediately begins flirting with Arcy Jacops, who is impress by the fact, he's the captain of Wondon.

Keith Valdor gets very jaloux at his cousin, but he knows he can provide contraceptive potion, and Arcy Jacops is very font of making love sith him. Keith Valdor takes the chance, and leaves Nicolas Meligan and Arcy Jacops, to get a bottle of contraceptive potion, at his sister, Emma Valdor.

In the afternoon, Keith Valdor rushes to his sister, Emma Valdor and asks for a bottle of contraception potion.

Emma Valdor gives him giggling, a bottle of contraception potion, and asks him, if Arcy Jacobs are in need of being satisfied again.

Chris Barrington is intervening, and sais, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are not to be bumbing the uglies at his place, tonight.

Keith Valdor replies, he guesses that it would be more mature, if he books an accommodation for Arcy Jacobs and him, at The Old Witch.

You daren't, Emma Valdor teases his brother, when Kieth Valdor heads off to The Old Witch.

At Supper, Micheal Warren replaces Ricky Warren, and Sir William of Wondon orders Supper, while Keith Valdor is returning.

Nicolas Meligan is still cuddling Arcy Jacops, while Miranda Calzone is serving supper under supervition of Micheal Warren.

To show off his position as the lord, Sir William of Wondon fondles the buttocks of Miranda Calzone, while she's serving supper, and Miranda smacks him.

During the fuss, Keith Valdor orders an accommodation for himself and Arcy Jacops at Micheal Warren, and Arcy Jacops becomes surprised.

After supper, Keith Valdor has the full attention of Arcy Jacops.

At night, Nicolas Meligan, Sir William of Wondon, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacops goes to their accommodations.

After they get to their accommodation, Kieth Valdor gives Arcy Jacops at bottle of contraceptive potion, and he is bumping the uglies with Arcy Jacops as loudly as he can, making sure his cousin, Nicolas Meligan knows what he is doing.

Julie Warren is serving breakfast for Sir William of Wondon, Nicolas Meligan and his cousin Keith Valdor with Arcy Jacops, when Alicia Jacobs arrives looking for her daughter, Arcy, who didn't came home last night.

Julie Warren informs Alicia Jacobs, her daughter, had been sleeping here.

Alicia Jacobs gets a fit at her daughter, meanwhile Sir William of Wondon orders his captain, Nicolas Meligan, to clean up the mess, and goes witch hunting..

At the end of the year, Arcy Jacobs break up with Keith Valdor.

Late Autumn Lisa Chaney flirts with Kieth Valdor


Miranda have a fling with Keith Valdor.

Early Spring At Lawrow lake, Miranda breaks up with Keith and he seeks comford at Ruth Johnson.